It's Good To Know
A team is a system made of complex individuals. When a team becomes autonomous and its members work together on a shared task then a procedure takes place which involves the whole system. Input and output keep the work flowing, provided the organisation is done well. The problem we face when dealing with teams of people is that the social and work ethic can become complicated. A lot of work has been done to understand what are called “complex systems”. Because of the individuals being unique and not dedicated to one function like a device would be, the complexity becomes more apparent with every increase in team size. Understanding how complex systems function will help us to be a stronger part of any team.
In a team that works on a joint end result there of course has to be management. Decentralised control will benefit the individuals as the notion of the big boss at the very top can create a culture of us and them. Relinquish total control for trust and training in the people who are closest to the active elements of the team. Let people govern themselves, allow the work to be done in its own way. A good team member can be trusted to do what needs to be done and to ask for guidance when necessary. The story behind the team system plays as much as a role as the work done today. The background prepares the world for the work, what the history of the team says to the customer or the audience will produce a mental construct and context which defines perception and willingness to co-operate. The story has to be a positive one, if it's not then it will produce a sense of repulsion that ultimately causes failure. You never know what's going to happen. In computers and machines we can predict what will happen and when something breaks we generally know what to do about it. Teams made of individuals do not behave in this way. Sometimes things go wrong or turn out different to the plan and we simply have to accept it. Learning from the methods and contingencies will of-course help improve the team however it's not always the fault of the team if the end result is not what was expected. Imagine building a well-researched product, marketing it to the people who you know through research want it, but it doesn't catch on? You did your best and there's nothing wrong with it, it's just unlucky. Complex systems can appear pointless and full of bloated bureaucracy. We sometimes see offices and names and have no idea what or who they are. For a team to function properly, the whole must be aware of itself. The team-members and the customer or market must be aligned with the purpose of the team. We don't have the time to consider everything for ourselves and find out what something is for. We feel more comfortable and more able to produce good results when we know what we are doing in relation to everything else and why. Everything changes, the individuals in our team change their mood and energy levels day by day, the trends in the world change day by day, the amount of interest in a particular thing changes day by day. We can't expect things to stay the same and we have to thrive on uncertainty. Again, this is why complex systems differ from mechanical or digital ones. It's exciting to see what happens next, and provided we use good business sense and logic we can navigate the fluctuating nature of the world. Interaction is fundamental to the performance of a team. Unfortunately, some people prefer to be competitive and will try to put themselves in a position of being above others. Other people are submissive and will allow others to take higher status. This is unhealthy in social situations however when at work then we have to make the most of the condition of our employees. Try to identify who wants to be on top and who doesn't mind being below in order to best maintain a workable flow. If you care about your team then investing in character development of course will help straighten out the beast. Do you want to get on top of complex systems? Here's an in-depth online course
First impressions make a huge impact on our future relationship with a person or business. Then again, if an incident supersedes the general normality of behaviour then this too can affect all future perceptions. Being disrespectful is one of those things that other people cannot stand. Customers do not want to deal with marketplaces that pose a risk of being disrespectful. Of course, if a customer starts being a nuisance, it's only right to be assertive with them or if an employee isn't adhering to practice standards, again there has to be an intervention. The key issue is respect. Employees and customers want to feel safe in your environment, as a creative entity you or your company has to nourish this positive exchange of social currency.
It's always a good idea to ask about well-being. Before assuming how a person is feeling we should ask them. We are likely to be more accurate this way which will make us more able to work with it. By identifying what makes people unhappy or distressed, when we discover what people's concerns and worries are, we can work to directly remedy this. By asking for well-being information regularly, we can keep on the pulse of the emotional state of what and who we are working with. Always make sure that customers and employees can be honest about you. You are a driving force in your creative adventure and its your interactions that make things happen. If we can ask for honest feedback that is measured and thought-out with reference to actual events then we can have a clear picture of what we do well and what we could work on. A short-coming is an opportunity to those who haven't learned it yet. Can you confidently listen to and then work to reduce your short-comings as well as your strengths? Criticism and blame work to put people off, they create a negative perception of the person communicating it. There are natural reasons for all of our behaviours and methods, by using critical or shaming language to highlight a difference in opinion or standard we stand apart from the whole unduly. It is better to inquire as to differences on an equal standing, offering examples and theory to express the opposing ideas. Once someone is shown in a calm and rational way that their method or thinking can be improved, they'll not feel as rejected or belittled as if they were blamed or shamed. Remember that the other person is just as human as you are. They may not have the same political ideas or the same dress sense, they may not like the same music but they haven just as deep an experience of their life as you have of yours. When dealing with other people we have to take into account for the vast universe of space within them that contains an eternity of memories and feelings, plans and dreams. If you throw a stone into it then you might get splashed. Even if they are part of a rival company they are still on your side. We all want the best for the world and for each other. These people are not your enemy to be psyched out like at a football match. So many companies and artists work together to bring a wide range of ideas and services to the marketplace. Art and creative industry is exactly the same. The me first mentality can keep you from making great connections and cooperative networks with those who can actually help you and expose you to more customers. By treating people in the way you want to be treated by your friends then we can expect to make a lot of them. There will be times when you're treated unfairly and when someone doesn't show you the respect you give them, it's no matter, the people who are worth your time and message are just as revolted as you are.
Writing is a skill and a talent. A lot of people think they'd make good writers and then a small fraction of these people make it as one.
There are a few key pointers in play that really define the writer's ability. It's not just a communication, it's a sculpture of personal energy. A word is an abstract symbol in sound for a concept. Our minds can interpret the sound into its concept without us thinking. If you've ever learned a foreign language you may remember when the words didn't flow for you and you needed to think about them. It's this thought about our words that actually makes a huge difference when we write with purpose. Here's a few key points to think about while choosing your words. Pick the right words. Are you sure that what you are writing means what you want it to mean? Sometimes we fall into habits of using phrasing and skewered meanings because it's what those around us are doing. Cliche and slang appear everywhere and we don't always recognise it straight away. Be clear and concise. Say what you mean and say it with words that point the right way. Read more often. We learn words by hearing them in use. Sometimes we forget words until we hear them. When-ever you find a great word, write it down so you can use it sometime. The way other people write can really helps us to see where we can improve. When we read techniques of information delivery and objective description then these concepts and styles can be transferred into our own works. Our vocabulary is like a selection of paints. When we learn a new word or a new way of writing it's like being given a new colour or a new brush. Pay Attention. Surrounding ourselves in stories and actions gives us a huge array of ideas and prompts that can help us to frame our writing. We respond better to information when it is made to feel relevant to us. If we can frame our writing in a way that communicates its relevance then more people will pay attention to us. Be Imaginative. Where as finding common ground with the world in general is vital for relevance, for originality we have to think creatively. Why listen to you when the same thing is being said elsewhere? We have to bring something new to the table, something imaginative and brave. Don't Stop Writing. You need to write and write. Every time you write you'll be using the parts of the brain that are needed. This mental exercise will improve your ability over time. You will find a natural groove that becomes automatic and habitual. Once we learn great habits with effective purpose, these will translate into our end results. Learn To Be Your Own Critic. No-one likes to be criticised, it feels horrible unless it's done positively. When you want to be a great anything, you need to be able to see what makes it less than great. In normal situations then we don't need to be perfectionist or highly critical, however in professional and purposeful situations then we have to iron out all the creases. We need clean, pressed clothes. Have A Clear Mind. You need focus and direction with your thoughts. Having a calm and clear direction towards your point of purpose means that we don't want to sidetrack or twist the rhetoric around. Everything we communicate has to be pointing the same way. The sequence of information matters too, there has to be a reasonable transition from one point of reference to another. We may already know the whole picture but the readers may not. So make sure that things are put in the right order for everything to make sense. Write with effectiveness. Take this short online course in effective writing skills. Each student supports Alternative Fruit and keeps the site updated!
Nothing's perfect is it? And that means opportunity! We are here at this time when the world needs certain things to change. We adapt our methods and objects according to what the needs and capabilities of the day are. Creativity fuels this change, if it wasn't for the experimenters and inventors then nothing would ever change. Imagine a world without inventions and technology, imagine a world without language and art. Someone had to create all of the things we use. Someone else comes along and improves what they left behind. To be a real driving force in society then we have to think creatively a lot of the time. When we're nervous or unsure then we tend to do what other people do and hope for the best. This means finding our feet in the world of new possibilities can be daunting. It's natural to be nervous so that's why we take steps to counter-act it.
The first thing we all need to do is slow down! So many of us are rushing around trying to get everything done. Not to mention those who take advantage of hard-working responsible people by always being slack, it's actually not the best way to ensure personal growth and ultimately, strength. When we rush around on the edge of anxiety, we don't give our brain enough time to fully appreciate what we're doing. Our preprogrammed responses work for us, we are on an auto-pilot. It's meant to be a short term solution to rare instances of stress, not the way we live day to day. So take it easy, think more, and don't let anyone rush you. FYA: Southern Slow Cooker Bible - 365 easy and delicious down home recipes Next, we have to step away from the screens. You're reading some great media at the moment that actually helps you, however, a lot of what is out there is just for fun. Of course, we all love to have fun so all we really ask for is moderation. With all the input from pre-designed full sensory experiences like video, the mind is given the full picture. There's no room to imagine, because it's all there. So give yourself a break, tease the imagination from its shell by taking away the constant stimuli. Finding balance is a bit of an art in itself. So you're looking for something new and imaginative? Why not ask a child? Seriously, children don't have as many rational limitations as we do plus they are more capable of visualising things we are yet to see. When it comes to putting their thoughts into practical ideas, that's where we use our own more educated imagination. If you want to earn a professional diploma in child psychology, here's how. We have to take up art. When we use our imagination and creativity for something positive and constructive like painting or writing, we exercise the mind and strengthen our creative abilities. The action of putting our imagination into something physical and coherent is a perfect model for the way we take on more formal decisions. It's not only fun to do, it's also a way of giving ourselves the to think and a break from the intrusive screens. FYA: 50 Drawing Exercises: Improve Creativity & Creative Thinking - Transform different lines & shapes into ideas & drawings to improve your creativity to help generate new inspiration So we feel more comfortable doing something if we know other people are doing it too. So let's use this to our benefit. Read artistic and creative books, enjoy exhibitions and craft fairs. Just surround yourself with creativity and inspirational ideas. There are lots of books and things out there which don't use much creativity. They use tried and tested plots with predictable characters. There is always going to be room for these products at the inn but what we really want is something that bends the iron bar just a little. Are you ready? Take this free course in entrepreneurship. |
AuthorRowan Blair Colver for Alternative Fruit Love free education? Want more of it? You can show your support! Thank you so much to everyone who does.
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