“Loading” Feat. Farah Elle Today marks the release of this brilliantly designed music video from prolific electro-pop maestro Paul Mahon aka Tanoki. Featuring the vocals of Farah Elle and choreography starring Stafford Kelly, Turlough Kelly and of course Farah Elle herself, this multimedia music experience is a welcome addition to the daily adventure. The music and video were produced by Paul Mahon and the song recorded at Kilkenny's Geppetto Studios, Mahon's editing brand who has worked with Linkin Park, Walking On Cars, Loah, Bantum, and many more. Expect a new album out soon entitled File New, with this video and track being a spoonful of what's to come. The music begins with a smooth rhythmic flow that's stitched together with gentle drumming. A steady bass-kick fuels the direction as melodic harmonies twinkle on harp-like plucks. Jazz style vocals dress the music like snugly fitting silk, a swagger generates as the verse flows into jamming pianos and heavy double-bass. A progression reveals sensual and uplifting sounds that build on foundations of smooth and relaxing grooves. Reaching from the rooftops, elements scratch at the ceiling and push to the side, exciting the mix with various subtle dramas. The music video combines performance shots with clever acrobatics while digital abstractions dance and speckle between them. It's a wonderful experience. Look for the video very soon. You can follow Tanoki on YouTube and Facebook
Freya Alley
Big Wild World Alternative Fruit is thrilled to welcome Freya Alley back in 2021 with another brilliantly composed song. Her journey has brought the stage performing singer all the way from Lithuania. She now lives in London among the stars and lights of the English capital's live scene. Teaming up with SAFO Music Group and pro-songwriter Laurence Hobbs, who is responsible for several chart hits, Freya Alley is setting out on another leg of this skyward adventure. Haunting piano and melancholy vocal hums into our presence. Freya's words open out, clear lyrics rhyme and float on an ocean of moving notation. Keyboard horns and thundering bass bring out yet more depth on the sheering ocean of feelings. Rhythm breaks like waves on the stern of a giant ship which cuts through the friction and ploughs through the mass of churning power. A dynamic and cinematic atmosphere progresses like powerful emotions as the song passes effortlessly forward. You can follow Freya Alley on Facebook and Instagram You can also visit Freya Alley online Brophy's Law The Bachelor Released just the other day, Brophy's Law bring us The Bachelor. This is their favourite live track from their performances, and the band want to show the world the kind of energy this outfit create with their sounds. The band have been described as a juxtaposition between The Pogues and The Clash, both firm favourites, it's clear this modern-day group of folk-rockers have a fantastic sound. This song was written quite a few years ago, while Brophy was musing on works by Shane McGowen. The band are expected to perform at various festivals in the coming months, let's hope the scene recovers in time, and there are plenty of dates to follow as well. With a reel style rhythm and a burst of whistle, the music opens. A guitar and voice suddenly enters, accented lyrics about the life of a drinking man flow like melodic poetry. The combination of chord and whistle brings out a folk edge that sits alongside punchy beats and energetic lines. A story unfolds, it's a common scene, a man finds more solace in his drinking buddies and a drunken haze than with a caring woman who wants to change his ways. It's catchy and has sing-a-long words with memorable sections of tuneful melody. You can find Brophy's Law on YouTube Soundcloud and Instagram
2am Feat. Urple From Lo-Zi EP TBR: 1st March We are in Scotland today so we can listen to an exclusive track from the upcoming lo-fi EP by the ethereal Ziljianpinky. Previously featured in The Electro Review with his single Discovery, this hard-working composer of epically moving electronica is back with an all new direction. Stripped down and evocative, a lo-fi journey into subtlety and dream awaits. A heavenly bloom of birdsong and delicious harmony unfurls in splendid seasonal colour. Piano enters with uplifting chords which become a framework for a breezy blues guitar. Drums enter with a smooth and slender rhythm while a vocal sample shimmers in a spectrum of abstract feelings. Chiming melodics beckon with breathy angles as shifting progression reveals new aspects of the music. A downward spiral relaxes and subdues the tension as reverberating strings open like flowers. With a smash of percussion and a repeat of the message asking us to hold the line, relaxing grooves and sonic pressure combine in a burst of energy once more. You can listen to Ziljianpinky on Spotify Get the music from Zildjianpinky on Bandcamp Follow Ziljianpinky on Facebook and Twitter 2am is so far unreleased so here is Berlin, enjoy!
Fly The Nest
Old Street Lover Cinematic Dublin musician Fly The Nest has just released Old Street Lover. This celebrated songsmith wants to tell a story of a person who is lost and although we want to be close to them, they have to find their way elsewhere. Stephen Cooper aka Fly The Nest is embarking on a solo music career after spending a lot of time in bands. A composer since childhood, this veteran pen surely knows a few things about making fantastic music. Mastered by Tyrone's solid Peter Doherty, this new radio single has all the right ingredients. The song opens with a roar of drums and bouncing guitars. A punk tempo pushes the chord progression into a frenzy before the vocals begin. Songful melody cheers a barrage of words at us in a quick-paced verse. Snare and bass combine with a fiery percussion as quality guitar licks sheen from radiating surfaces of sound. A loving energy sees through the words and although it's a sad song, a punchy and upbeat energy keeps the mood in the right place. Catchy chorus lines repeat to harmonising fills and persistent drumscores that simply keep on going. You can follow Fly The Nest on Instagram and Twitter Listen to Fly The Nest on Spotify and Youtube
Swivel Head Ted
Pass The Mic Essex based Swivel Head Ted are endearingly named after a true Basildon legend. The imagination runs wild with who this character could be. The band have been making indie music for only a short while and yet the industry has already pricked up its ears. There's just something about this group that insists on being listened to. Now, with radio play all over the globe, Swivel Head Ted release Pass The Mic. It begins with a tuneful sunny guitar that stums in a reggae rhythm. Twiddly notes join the party which blur lines into a bluesy distortion. Fantastic vocals then swoop in on vibes that suit the backdrop. Emotive and heart-felt lines dig in to each bar as the breezy music swells like warm Caribbean harbours. Expert musicianship spills forward with multiple melodies and rhythmic complexity that layer in so smoothly that it slides around the room. Find out more about Swivel Head Ted
Alex James Brierley
Go With The Flow Today we are pleased to present to you Alex James Brierley. This talented musician has enjoyed radio play on the BBC and has supported big name groups such as Scouting For Girls and Reverend & The Makers. Having worked with Grammy and Brit Award winning Steve Levine, Alex James Brierley now releases Go With The Flow. Sounds like good advice, although we could always do with a little push from time to time. It begins with a disparate feedback pitch that wheezes into the sound of a warm and chunky electric guitar. Blues and rock push forward as licks meet drum and muffled vocal. A powerful fusion of music and energy brims the lid and the pot begins to rattle. The verse catches up with the tempo and smooth paced lyrics start to describe familiar scenes. With everyone following their emotions and being herded by suggestion and insinuation, it can feel like we stand alone. If we join in we can lose our standpoint on the world's stage. Just go with the flow, and let the river bring the water to you. It's a fantastic song that wants to be played at least twice at a time. You can find out more by following Alex James Brierley on Facebook and Instagram
Days Indoors
Be Yourself London pop-rock stage veterans Days Indoors are back with a brand new EP in the Spring. Running up to this, the Stereophonics, Doves, Coldplay, and Foo Fighters inspired act bring us Be Yourself. This radio single is enjoying airtime all over the world and now it's getting a feature in Alternative Fruit. Days Indoors want to communicate the everyday beauty that we often take for granted. Be Yourself looks at the individual and how to represent it. The music starts with a warm and melodious guitar. The notes repeat as drums and bass frame the sound with tempo. Then, the guitar falls back to a strum while the lyrics take the centre stage. The melody continues in the words and soon the lead guitar rejoins the show. A change in the chord progression marks the beginning of a chorus which then begins to whirl in circles around a catchy rhythmic structure. As the music forms a new high, the melody from the verse begins again to let us know it's time for another go around. This upbeat song puts the power in your hands to let go of inhibitions and to always do what you feel is right. You can find out more on the Days Indoors website Follow Days Indoors on Facebook and Twitter |
AuthorAlternative Fruit is written and edited by Rowan Blair Colver Browse and Support
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