It's Good To Know
Life is chaotic, everyone has their own personal agenda that focusses on their personal future. We have to work together to get things done, so we organise ourselves in various ways. The law of the land is a system of organisation, we know how people are not allowed to behave so we feel more secure. We have a system of keeping the law in place, i.e. police and media, hard and soft power influence society into universally accepted organisations.
When we begin to turn our creativity into a business model, we have to think about how we want to organise our work, our day. Just like the law of the land, your creative business will need to have rules and systems that make sure things are done in a consistent and predictable ways. People like their businesses to be consistent and predictable. When we buy a pair of brand trainers, we predict their comfort, durability, street cred, and so on. If our predictions fall short, we feel cheated. So how will we organise our business ideas into something that works best? Here are four distinct organisation styles that you will no-doubt recognise in the world around you. Being aware of their individuality will help you to choose wisely when mirroring what you see is working. Rising Star style organisation allows the whole group to function as one cloud. Many concepts and ideas are flung around and the ones that make the most 'noise' and get the most positive feedback are the ones that are taken further. This style of organisation likes to challenge the normals and invent new methods and ways of doing things. World changing inventions often come from this type of practice, however it is born from a sea of chaotic ideas that ultimately go nowhere. There is a lot of freedom in rising star style organisations, everything goes in and then we simply, “see what happens”. Meritocracy takes this to a new level. This style of organisation pits people against each other. Rather than functioning as a cloud, individuals or elements of the organisation are single units who have targets and expectations. Instead of bouncing ideas around and simply seeing what happens, we have to see to it that each element or individual makes it. We motivate, challenge, train, push harder for results. This is stressful and can lead to mental breakdowns as well as physical loss of energy. The plus side is that every ounce of energy put in is invested in and machined into its most productive self. Teamwork styles of organising have a common goal with one main idea. Everyone in the team knows their place with managers taking care of their employees. Communication is preferred in these groups, there's no target to compete with. It's a much less stressful way of running a top down business, where rewards come in the form of expertise and training. The whole team is seen as an individual unit with a set network of working parts. On the downside, individuals may not feel motivated to put in 100% all the time. If someone is always there to pick up after them, bad habits are easy to find. Authority styles resemble government. They have routines and protocols. Everyone is expected to do their bit and by the book. Each action is accountable and everything is checked over by a string of quality controls. This style of organisation is heavy handed yet maintains excellence on every level. With an iron hand workers feel compelled to put in their all and to work honestly. It gets good results but is bloated and takes long periods of time to implement changes. With expensive overheads and slow adaptation to change, the excellence has to outshine these downsides. The business style that works for you will no-doubt be a combination of these structures. Each element of your process will have a distinctive style which you'll fall into naturally. Now you are aware of the pros and cons, it will be easier to determine if you're on the right path. If you want to get a head start with marketing your creativity, here's a free course in sales. |
AuthorRowan Blair Colver for Alternative Fruit Love free education? Want more of it? You can show your support! Thank you so much to everyone who does.
September 2020
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