It's Good To Know
A catchy education style is taking hold in the United States thanks to the groundbreaking work within the pages of a new book about the Finnish technique of educating youths and children. Anthony Pellagrini, author of “Recess: Its Role in Education and Development” has brought the European theology of schooling to other shores in an attempt to bring realisable solutions to the 'feet dragging' and 'uninterested' students in typical American schools.
Implementing regular short breaks for play and recreation somehow opens doors to new energy and interests that usually would remain behind locked doors while the pupils sit through one and three quarter hour stretches of solid learning. Apparently, by breaking these portions up even further and allowing extra breaks, more learning is actually done which is the goal of a school to begin with. It also hands a few extra minutes over to teaching staff to work through marking and other necessary paperwork. In East Asian schools, providing ten to fifteen minute breaks every forty minutes is common practice, and it allows students to enter new lessons with a sense of fresh perspective and eagerness to settle in. Finnish schools began the same method a few years ago and it has become a much appreciated addition to school routine for both staff and pupils. The U.S. Education department decided to test the recess to learning ratios independently and discovered that focus reduced as breaks were delayed, meaning regular short breaks kept focus at maximum levels. What appears to be common sense in many nations already at least has evidence to back it up courtesy of this investigation. The research is ongoing, and perhaps in a few years time when undeniable proof can be presented, the students of tomorrow may get a better break. |
AuthorRowan Blair Colver for Alternative Fruit Love free education? Want more of it? You can show your support! Thank you so much to everyone who does.
September 2020
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