It's Good To Know
Why is morale important?
Genuine happiness is like a garden, it must be cultivated and weeded regularly. Unhelpful thoughts and painful perceptions can crop up all the time, in the world there are many things that want to take away our happiness. When confronted with a problem, it makes us unhappy and we attend to the problem. If our morale is at a low, it's possible that we no longer attend our problems and therefore unhappiness grows further. So like a keen gardener, we make regular effort to maintain our state of mind by addressing our problems and by refusing to grow thoughts that cause us to feel down. Happiness isn't just about you though. The people around us want to be happy too. Even if they work directly under you, their happiness is important. Here is a list of reasons that show why the happiness of those around you is a priority. Happy People Enjoy Themselves What Ever They Do You want productive people in your team? They need to be happy. Most of us can cope with depressive people around us but it requires effort. We are continually tolerating exchanges of energy which drain our morale. When people around us are happy, there is no longer this draining effect. We can get on with solving our own and shared problems. We want the people around us to be glad to work and glad to co-operate with you. Happiness makes this possible. Happy People Are More Imaginative Using the brain takes energy. If we're unhappy it's likely that we are spending energy on blocking out unhelpful thoughts. To be imaginative we need to be able to use our mental freedom. When we're happy we are more able to think about inventive and new ways of looking at then solving our problems. Happy People Don't Hide Their Mistakes No-one likes making a mistake or being mistaken. If a person is unhappy to begin with, they will likely take their errors personally and they'll become vectors for shame or anger. They may even fear the repercussions. When we don't take our errors seriously we lose quality and bring the team down. When happy people make mistakes they are more likely to accept it, make amends, and learn. Happy People Help Each Other When you have a goal to achieve you want positive support. The bigger the goal, the more support you'll need. Unhappy people tend to radiate pessimism and weakness. They don't project confidence. We won't be effective if those around us are providing unhelpful input. Happy people understand that happiness is essential and thereforesay and do things that promote happiness. They take problems seriously and offer genuine support while working to their best abilities. Happy People Take Better Risks The world of art is risky, business in general is full of risk. We have to take risks and put our faith in our skills and our ability to connect with our customers. If we are happy, we are more likely to take risks within our scope of possible. Unhappy people can find themselves playing a lottery with desperate efforts in a hope to get a win. This is because the perception of the problem and the path to its solution are distorted through pessimism and unhappiness. Happiness Reduces Stress Stress is a major contributor to failure. Often it's not the problem that's the problem, it's the tool. We have to maintain ourselves and keep ourselves prim in order to provide the service our customers deserve. Happiness is integral to this process. Stressed out and unhappy people don't want to spend time on anything new, they don't want any fuss, they just want to do their thing and go home. This kind of team-member isn't going to perform as well as you need them to. Happiness Is Contagious One person's happiness is another person's joy. We like being around happy people, they inspire us to be happy, and they make us feel at ease in our environment. This all matters for the team, for the customer, for the world in general. Make Friends With Yourself Be the kind of person that others want to be around. Make peace with your flaws by taking responsibility for them. You can learn more by taking this online course. |
AuthorRowan Blair Colver for Alternative Fruit Love free education? Want more of it? You can show your support! Thank you so much to everyone who does.
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