It's Good To Know
Through-out the year, there is always foraging to be done. Food supplies in nature are incredibly varied, and provided the palette can handle it, a large variety of different foods lay in store for the keen eyed harvester. At Harvest time, however, this is when there is perhaps the most available. The heat of the summer combined with the early autumn rains make the season of mid October the time when everything is gathered and made ready for the year to follow. Seeds are retained, perishables are preserved and plans are made for the following season.
Having plenty and knowing how to make use of it are not the same thing, and if we are lucky enough to be able to select from a large harvest, or even just go to the shops, it is important that we know the guidelines for healthy eating. Most of us know the basic pointers, but when it comes to knowledge that can be treated as expert information, the majority of us look for the nearest nurse or nutritionist. But let's be honest, it would be really useful to have this sort of thing with us, as learned wisdom. Being the one to know what food groups go in which order of priority and how the varying "good for you" molecules within them actually benefit us in our diet would mean that we can provide sound and helpful advice to all who want it, plus making sure we stay healthy too. It sounds expensive, and it kind of is. You need to apply yourself over time and put effort into learning. The price though, is free. The web is jam packed full of various nutrition information and educational resources, it's all over the place in little pockets of this and that on many many sites. A lot of work to go through all that lot would be one way, or enroll onto a free online foundation diploma in nutrition and do it the simple way.
AuthorRowan Blair Colver for Alternative Fruit Love free education? Want more of it? You can show your support! Thank you so much to everyone who does.
September 2020
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