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On display in the prominent Regina Gallery in Seoul, South Korea, a vibrant and inventively charming display of colour and shape is currently immersing visitors. Underwater spectra dominate the colour palette chosen by painter and installation artist Jan Kalab. The Czech born artist, who began in the late 80s working with graffiti and street art murals, has created a modern and fascinating array of images that reflect what he glimpses from underwater scenes. Jan Kalab has progressed in his style from the early days, traversing murals and lettering over to 3D images and into sculpture. Now with his paintings on canvas as installation pieces, the whole skillset is lending a lever to his outreach with expressivity. His work has been exhibited as displayed in many high-brow galleries including those in Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Paris, London, Miami, and New York. Now once again in the East, the capital of South Korea has been waiting patiently for the work to be displayed with them. Since agreeing to exhibit at the Regina Gallery, Jan Kalab endured the lockdown like the rest of us and any immediate plans were put on hold. Thankfully this has enabled the artist to create this brilliant arrangement of vivid colour and shape work that we can now enjoy in person or online. An enchanting and dream-like amalgam of forms and shades brings an inspired and underwater sense of diving shallow depths and admiring the flora and fauna. Via World Art News Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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