What Is Inspiration?
Inspiration usually comes when we least expect it. It’s been in the media a lot recently that scientists finally understand why our best ideas arrive in the shower. It turns out that when we work hard on something for a long time, we need relaxation time in order to decompress our thoughts and feelings. The tired aspect of our minds needs to be able to rest before it can put what it has learned to good use. Whether sitting under an apple tree like Isaac Newton or laying in a bath like Archimedes, the rest state that comes from such activities can be just enough to help the mind reach an inspired thought. Epiphanies can help us see the big picture of our particular problem or desire so we can take empowered action into the situation. We have a sense of deeper understanding that ultimately allows us to see the world with brand-new eyes. Put In The Work So, the end result is through rest and thought, however the first stage is the most important. This is the element of hard work. We need to address the world with effort because we have a certain want or need to achieve a particular thing. Menial or Sisyphean labour is perhaps not the kind we want, the idea is to align our efforts with the desired result. Perhaps the naivety of our first try is going to frustrate us and leave us wondering if we even should. Motivation therefore needs to be applied. Motivation is something that is often external to us. Other people present needs and necessities that we have to comply to. This can be the cost of living or the targets to keep your job. It could just as well be your own desire to be good at something. This is how we can bring about internal motivation.
Motivation and Motive The motive pushes you to work on despite setbacks and negative experiences, it is like the fire in the engine. Sometimes the flame can go out and we stop caring about the outcome anymore. Preserving our inner fire and ensuring we maintain a positive outlook on our efforts and future is about positive psychology. We can look at the world in various ways, each with their own perspective. If we can choose the ones that feel better to us and make decisions based on what feels better when we imagine the outcome, we can keep a positive frame of mind. Sometimes we have to create imaginary future situations as our motivation. This can help a lot however it might turn into a paradox if our direction begins to take us where we haven’t planned for. Being resilient to change and exhaustion is going to keep you on course. Balance The Equation You’ll know when it’s time to rest, and you can feel safe in the knowledge that it is a vital part of the process. It can be for a few minutes, a few days, weeks, or even months. We’ve all heard of musicians and artists who make their fans wait years at a time before they release something notable. By applying yourself in seemingly fruitless ways and then resting after, the process of mental adoption will gradually take place. We’re not all geniuses like Newton or Mr Eureka but we are all human and the process is the same no matter who you happen to be.
The Vatican’s library holds millions of books and thousands of documents and images. Collected by the Catholic Church since the library’s genesis in 1451, donated, pilfered, and otherwise acquired works of human thought have become locked away in the exclusive vault. As those with privy access have been able to read and explore the many works of literature and art that are held within the ancient walls, the rest of us have only been able to imagine what obscure, arcane, and theologically potent materials have been hidden from the eyes of the masses.
Thanks to a voluntary organisation, Digita Vaticana, now nearly 18,000 manuscripts are available online. With funds donated to them, the uploading utility company have been able to scan vast amounts of ancient paper documents with a special no-damage technique. Because the works are often hundreds of years old, the paper or parchment they are written on had become extremely fragile. This meant a special technology was needed to scan the writing without putting any stress on the material at all. Once scanned, every document was returned to its safe keeping place. It's interesting that despite the vast wealth of the Catholic Church, the cash for this project had to come from donations and fund-raising. Maybe there are those in the institution who would rather not let everyone see what secrets they hold? We can only guess as to what remains to be scanned in. The work has only just begun, and Digita Vaticana have admitted they need millions more Euros and several more years to gain a complete upload of the resource. Do you think they will do it? Let’s hope they do. With society moving into transparency for trust and being an institution that many have learned to distrust, perhaps it is in the best interests of the Vatican to put up the money itself and let the good people get on with tearing down the veil. Curiosity aside, perhaps if we’re shown there’s nothing to hide then this ancient and evolved aspect of the Roman Empire can find its way in the 21st Century. You can visit Digita Vaticana Onlus here. |
CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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