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Stone Roses Guitarist To Display Popular Oil Painting Exhibition At Damien Hurst’s Gallery21/6/2023
Creative people often have more than one level to their ability, and John Squire of The Stone Roses is a key example of inventiveness in action. A series of oil paintings titled Disinformation is set to be displayed at Damien Hurst’s Newport Street Gallery in Vauxhall from September 11th to November 10th. A good two-month slot will mean that plenty of people can go and see the images.
John Squire is known for using photographs for his art, he enlarges them and then paints over the scene with his own style and direction. The finished product differs from the original in many subtle ways and the choices of image send a specific energetic message to the viewer. John also uses an art software app to digitally enhance and manipulate the images introducing glitches and repeating patterns where the need arises. Having designed the album covers for the band and created the promotional images, it’s no surprise that his unrelated work is equally as kinetic in the art world. Since leaving The Stone Roses in 1996, John Squire has continued to express himself musically and artistically with admirable results. The exhibition is accompanied by a great full-colour book that contains more than just the images on display. Find Stone Roses merchandise on eBay, support Alternative Fruit with this link on any purchase! Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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