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Human creativity is a mere reflection in the pool of what the universe does all the time. From the days of the beginning, when the laws of physics were put into action, to the modern day with stars and galaxies stretching out as far as the eye can see, creation itself shows us what is possible from just a few raw ingredients. The entire visible universe is made of protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons. The relationship between these things is well-defined and in knowing the rules, scientists have been able to look deep into the night sky and figure out what is going on.
From these basic raw ingredients and the laws that govern their behaviour, the universe is able to create all manner of complex and enormous constructions. Stars and planets have formed in every possible way that we can think of and more, plumes of dust span huge distances that mean we see them over a period of millions of years in one view because of the finite speed of light, with the furthest side being so far away that the light we receive is much older than the light we see from the near side. Galaxies are completely extraordinary in their diversity. Spirals with varying arms and colours, globular forms, ellipses, and clusters all take on differing forms based on a few set rules. The different colours and effects of material, light, and gravity produce a spectacular array of shapes, colours, densities, and behaviours. Each one can be studied in so much depth that you can uncover an almost infinite amount of information about its contents and how it moves through space. From the very big to the very small, living creatures have been able to use these same basic ingredients to allow the universe to perceive itself through its own material. The laws of the universe have allowed its contents to assemble in such a way that a conscious understanding of what it is can be achieved. It’s completely remarkable how this has been achieved from what is believed to be nothing. Where did these laws come from that allows such things to happen? Who knows, but what we do know has been put down in video lecture form for us all to learn from and enjoy. When we learn about one artist, we can decipher their work through an understanding of their life story. We can learn about their motivations, circumstances, history, and achievements in order to appreciate what they produced, why they decided on it, and what makes it so unique. Space is like this, the universe is like an artist with a huge story behind it. By learning the story and by deciphering the encoded wisdom, it’s possible to look way into the distance and figure out what is going on. A complete course that is suitable for people who know very little about the subject and for people who want to refresh their memory, An Introduction To Astronomy is on YouTube from Professor Jason Kendal. A more advanced selection of material is also available, for those of you who want to get a more in-depth understanding of the most up-to-date thinking on the subject. Enjoy this full-length and free introduction to graduate level astronomy from Jason Kendal. . Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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