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Little Adaptations Can Lead To Big Results It's often the little things we do that end up making things easier for everyone. Finding out new things or thinking of something helpful is the lifeblood of human progress. Whether its a brilliant new song or a handy device that makes things easy, the addition of fresh and interesting ideas is ultimately what makes us different from the people who came before. Some of us find creativity difficult, being tired and being stressed are two main factors that stifle our inventiveness. Sometimes we just tell ourselves we're not creative because we either lack confidence or we've been persuaded that creativity is not something to aspire to. Hopefully it's clear that we can all have good ideas and we all can make little steps towards nurturing our own personal flare. Make Fun An Option Even the strictest no-nonsense ascetic can find pleasure in things intended to be fun. It's not compulsory to have fun, but having the option available makes the atmosphere more relaxed. The nod from the top that you can enjoy yourself can be like a psychological gate-opener that allows the mind to feel more free. From gamifying work to having time set aside for enjoyment and group activity, sending the message that relaxing and being out of the ordinary is something to be sustained. Making fun an option gives everyone a chance to take a break from activities that might be boring or tedious to do. If it can be made enjoyable in the principle then all the better, failing that it is important to break up monotony with variable activities. Adding elements of chance or luck with rewards and opportunities can boost over-all ingenuity and intuition. By giving everyone a chance to forget the daily routine and move into casual spaces we can encourage the reduction of tension between individuals and communities. Shared experiences bring people together and enforce positive communication. These are the perfect conditions for new ideas to flourish. Liberate Yourself Freedom to think is possibly the greatest freedom of all. When all is against us in the world and nothing is going our way we can choose to remain positive in our thoughts. We can choose to forgive the world for being cruel and choose to move with grace regardless. In this same way that brings dignity and prosperity in the long-run, we can bring about new perspectives and techniques that manifest naturally as part of our boundless imagination. If we encourage the mind with prompts to fantasy like art and stories, we can find ourselves solving imaginary problems that actually relate to the world in general. The free mind is not restricted by undermining thoughts about acceptance and validation, it is confident in the process of bringing things about in gradual steps. Being secure in your mental ability will help us accept limitations and misinformed choices as they are discovered in the process of bringing about new concepts. Seek New Experiences Training the mind to think differently means feeding it with a variety of things to think about. By enjoying changes of scenery with new places and experiences we can put our minds in the habit of choosing to see things differently. Perspectives change as we absorb new information and sometimes we can piece together different views from listening to what people have to say. This is why finding the time to travel and visit places you don't usually go will spark all kinds of new and interesting ideas. If we can't get out and about as much as we'd like, we can always find new things to discover online and at home. Books, arts, music, films, and more can all offer gateways to destination of imagination and opportunity in knowledge. You can be rewarded for making use of all of this principles with the free Mistplay app on Android. They recommend really fun games that keep your mind occupied and busy then give you rewards that you can exchange for cash or vouchers. Just half an hour a day will add up quickly. We play more than that sometimes, right? Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
December 2024
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