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The reasons why some things seem to be a perfect fit is because they have been designed to a precise regimen. Often when we create something new, we just go with the flow and create what ever takes our fancy. This is a wonderful way of expressing ourselves and for having fun. It helps us to practice our skills and gives us something at the end someone might like. What if we could tweak that last bit to mean something that a lot of people might like? How about everybody? If we can apply design thinking to our process the outcome will naturally be more user friendly and accessible. This can be the difference between a one hit wonder and an established career in the field.
Thinking Like A Designer Design in its very nature implies creativity. To design is to make a plan or a set of instructions that result in something new. When we apply these blueprints to the manufacturing process, we can be sure that what we get out is what we wanted. The world is either a rulebook to be read or a pantry to be explored. When we see things in the world, we can either look at them at rigid things in their rightful place or as an ingredient to something completely up to us. A truly inventive mind can make use of things never intended for that purpose. Design is the process of adapting known rules and principles to fit new situations. On occasion we need to create new rules and norms that feed into the general acceptance of bigger concepts. People want to feel good about the things they do and the things that use to express themselves. Design thinking is about making sure our creations fit the bill. There’s Only Forward Competition is a real aspect in life, and it will always be a factor in everything we do. It’s not just up to you, other people will see themselves as your rival despite your best efforts to help them in the process. We must get used to this and not let ourselves feel put off. We will not always be successful or as successful as we had wanted. Sometimes we might fall flat on our faces and need to scrape ourselves up from the floor. Failure is such a potent word that can sometimes hide the fact we are learning. A lesson learned is a wisdom no one can take away again. It might feel bad and that’s okay, the thing to take home is that you know what doesn’t work. You either need to add something else or change something already there. Given enough time and a keen, active interest, anything can be learned verbatim or intuitively. Know What Not To Do We either learn it for ourselves or are given the facts and decide it’s a bad idea independently, the limits and boundaries that are in place help us navigate the road. If the destination is a place where people accept our design and want to use it, the well-marked road will get us there a lot better than the rough and open terrain. Which way do we go? The infrastructure of reality and social trends can be a perfect roadmap for how to best reach our destination and know where it is. New Ideas Are Unpolished Gems A typical meeting might have an agenda and a rigid structure. Everyone present may have already rehearsed their part and no one really has anything new to say. This approach will not help ingenuity and will not help the designer. Creative processes require an input of new ideas to work with. When designers meet, they will not only talk about their progress, they will also talk about their aspirations and mental images. With good social anchors as to why something is relevant such as trends or previous successes a designer can adapt the known principles to meet new and interesting ideas. A good designer-based network can help to gravitate the best concepts and ideas through debate and decision making to form a wholly better result. Who And What Is This Ultimately For Different strokes for different folks, a widely used concept that uses a swimming or cricket metaphor to describe something about life. We’re all different and have various preferences and tastes. Beneath the mechanical psychology and chemical biology of our working bodies, the things that make us unique are more subtle and based on so many influences. We ascribe positive and negative views to things we see around us based on a variety of factors and then make personal choices based on this inner landscape. Designers do their best to create something that makes people say yes. To do this they have to appeal to things that people want. The emotional and practical reasons that things appeal to us are plentiful however when we can understand which ones we are working towards, we can design our creativity to match. Want to take this concept further? Now's a good time to enrol on this online course: Design Thinking Masterclass - A Complete Guide for You Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
December 2024
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