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Just Think About It
We're all pretty lucky to be here. Of all the possible things that could have happened, a unique set of circumstances led all the way to you. What are the odds? It depends on how far back you want to go. Before space and time, before light needed somewhere to shine and so made it, before the stuff you're made of was created, the journey up to this moment is truly extraordinary. It's truly up to you how you want to spend your time, however something we are particularly good at and that is typically highly rewarding is creativity. From the time of jungles and caves, human beings have improved life with little steps. They add up over time, and the fruits of civilisation can be found where ever you go. Of course not all the fruits are good ones and with each new solution a new family of problems grows from that seed as well. Creativity is about turning this into something positive. We learn a lot about ourselves as a species when we find out what new problems arise from society and its gifts. With this understanding we can come up with new things and new ways that aim to satisfy the issues of the day. What Is Creativity? When we speak of creativity many people immediately think about having new ideas and dreaming things up. This is actually imagination, which is only the first step. The art of creativity is about being about to turn these ideas and mental images into something that's in the real world for other people to experience. It's a form of magic, if you like, in that we produce something from the mind in reality. The only difference is that we have to apply ourselves and not an outside or mysterious force. It's not a simple operation either, to be creative we must apply ourselves in several ways. Thinking of a good idea only works if we actually know what we're thinking about. It's all too easy to extrapolate from given observations and assume we know what goes on underneath. We need to study the entire thing before we can begin using it in creative ways. Otherwise we will not fully understand what our changes will actually do. This means taking risks, and managing them by understanding everything we can before assessing the best action. It involves being open to new aspects and to have your assumptions or misinformed knowledge challenged by new information. We need to be able to observe for ourselves the reality of what is happening without listening to misguided perspectives from those who do not see the full picture. A sense of mental strength is required to have the focus, determination, and fluidity required to be successful with creativity. It's Gets Personal Too We often have unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that we wish we didn't have. We sometimes see people in a bad light when in reality we care about them and want them to be happy. Being able to challenge the first thought we have about something is a skill that requires creativity. We need to be able to address new perspectives and new insights that help us to see a different point of view. When we choose positive points of view on as many of life's situations as we can, we experiece a lot less stress. There are times, of course, in which we are being subjected to circumstances that are unhealthy for us mentally or physically. This cannot simply be addressed by changing our thoughts. We are not responsible for other people's behaviour but we are for our own. We can change how we behave in order to remove ourselves from the situation we cannot simply look at in another way. We can plan an escape. Solving Shared Problems Builds Bridges Issues and problems cause division. We can find all kinds of opinions about shared problems in our lives and in a democratic society we have to listen to each other. The division is caused when strong emotions about what is happening cause people to feel extremely passionate about it. This passion drives strong words and heated discussion. When discussion gets heated people tend to not think things through and say things that only have the most basic focus on the situation. Solving these problems means being able to see the reality of it and taking a calm assessment without letting your emotions force you into a corner. When problems are solved in genuine and effective ways that benefit everyone in the ways they wanted then the cause of division is eradicated. When people are content with a situation because everyone's needs are being met in a safe, fair, and equitable way, the result is community cohesion and solidarity. Problems are not solved alone, especially big ones that affect society as a whole. When we tackle these big-world problems we find ourselves in a huge army of like-minded people who also want to bring a better quality of life to those around them. By working with these people and building networks with organisations that share the same desire to bring stability and joy to people's lives, our creative life journey can make a serious impact on many lives for the better. Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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