Alternative Fruit brings creative education and inspiration to a world hungry for change. I don't ask for payment but donations are necessary. Please share with your networks and come back often.
Most people have some kind of hobby, an activity they do for fun and nothing else. Many amateur artists and musicians flood the scene with their valiant efforts at fitting in. Homemade creativity is one particular pastime that many enjoy. Even things that might not seem creative at first hand, like sports or watching films, involve all kinds of creative decision making. What do I do next, why, and what have I learned? There is a reason why so many of us love to get creative, use our imagination, and bring new ideas and objects into the world. It’s beneficial to us on many levels. Here are some well-known examples of what creativity at home can do for you.
Growth When we begin to be creative, we are entering unknown territory. The psychology of this is deep. Unknowns are naturally frightening to us and even if it is on paper, we can experience a sense of apprehension. Overcoming this initial block is an exercise that can take a lot of practice. When we do it, we strengthen our resolve and experience the unknown. Doing this regularly can provide a serious forum for personal growth. Taking the plunge in our creative life can help us to do this in other ways too. Bridge Mind And Body Your body knows a lot. It’s a miracle of evolution that has taken millions of years to achieve its current state. The chemical and biological learning that has been applied to your body is vastly longer and more extensive than anything you can learn in a lifetime. The mind knows a lot too. A lot of life is based around human invention and human devised systems. The way we live our lives is mainly dictated by things that we have created ourselves for our own benefit. From governments to supermarkets, the whole modern lifestyle is a human invention. Our minds are necessary for this. We can also use our mind to learn skills and techniques. When we combine what we know about the world, artistic technique, and intuitive creativity, we can begin to let these aspects of our personality communicate. Courage The more we practice, the better we get. This natural equation gives rise to a sense of confidence. We may not be good now, but we know we can be if we work at it. That’s what real confidence looks like. Once we are good at something and have had success with it, our confidence can climb as high as we like. Sometimes it might get clipped down a bit, we all make mistakes, but in knowing that your efforts pay off in the end, nothing seems impossible anymore. Develop Purpose The act of creation can be transcendental. When we make something new from bits and pieces or various thoughts, we can discover that we can make ourselves and other people happier. For some it can be a spiritual experience, and other find that being creative gives their life a sense of belonging that reaches beyond the everyday. Having something to do that you enjoy and are getting good at is a healing and invigorating experience. Declutter The Mind We often have repeating images, notions, and memories floating around. They all compete with plans, desires, and concerns and we try to navigate life in the midst of all this. Creative output can give our mind a chance to drop this and concentrate on one or two things alone. Because we enjoy it and we find it absorbing, the escape from the many stressors of the mind can be a necessary respite. Like many echoes, these stressors can often lose their power and ability after only a few minutes of shutting them out. We find that the elastic has lost its stretch and they no longer cling to us. Shop Arts and Crafts on eBay to support Alternative Fruit Your Resource For Creative And Artistic Enrichment Please consider supporting this free-to-read journal by shopping with the following partners:
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CategoriesAuthorAlternative Fruit by Rowan B. Colver Archives
January 2025
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