Choose Love
Look at the bands that are huge but don't get on the TV or radio. How do they do it? You've heard of them, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica and so on for the heavy metal market alone, these are all household names but get only a fraction of the airtime. How on Earth do they do it? Open your perspective a little. TV and Radio are not the only way to get something across. Where have you seen that name before? On a T-Shirt. That's right, by dominating the alternative clothing market, non-pop but still excellent quality bands are able to promote themselves via imagery that rewards the wearer. They know that their music is enjoyed because of the animal instinct in us alongside the hypnotic rhythms of rock n roll, it literally calls to our inner animal. So produce art with this in it, and it instantly hits that same chord. We listen to the music, we wear the art, we feel good. It's very simple. So if you're in a band or are an artist then you will be pleased to know that anyone can produce their own T-shirts to promote what ever they like. You may as well be a plumber, they don't mind. But this is a site for artists so get those killer images on your clothes.
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![]() Choose Love on Alternative Fruit is reader supported. Because of you, more people get to discover creativity and art for themselves. Thank you so much!
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October 2021
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