Choose Love
As I mentioned in my book, “Doctor Universe”, the universe does indeed speak to us in sensations and feelings, the messages we receive from the cosmos come to us via nature, our observation of it, and then finally the application of personal circumstance into the meaning of it - for the individual.
Let's look at the word individual, it contains the words “in divide” or not divided, “dual” two. So an individual is an undivided materialisation of two concepts, material and spirit or conscious awareness. The word also contains the word “id” which although coined later, is relevant as the id is a part of the psyche described by Sigmund Freud. “According to this model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. The super-ego can stop one from doing certain things that one's id may want to do.” Wiki
The individual experience is created by the fusion of a material and a conscious experience, in the mind of the perceiver. With both universes present at the same time, the singularity of being experiences a particular thread of reality based on the product of both ingredients. These ingredients are subject to various rules and laws governed by nature. Although nature is incredibly diverse and seemingly random, after the application of scientific principles of learning, we can discover basic rules which appear to always be obeyed. The rules of nature in the material universe are described by science. We test the universe and describe what happens. After several experiments it can be shown that particular trends begin to appear. These trends can be used to accurately predict behaviour for future experiments. Once something appears to have been proven, it can then go on to be applied in society by people who gain an understanding of its principles.
When applying the scientific method to the inner universe of the conscious awareness, the doctrine is often labelled as the occult or metaphysics. This unprovable study is conducted in the laboratory of the awareness, in which the experience of the practitioner is the result. Again, with specific study, mystics and metaphysicians have been able to accurately document the inner working of their own universe and then again with the collection of observations, their work has correlated with others to create universal principles which can be applied to all people. Once more, society has utilized these factors of life where people have gained understanding of them. One particular industry which often uses this is media, music and advertising being two of the most obvious candidates.
Art is a direct representation of the fusion of these two seats of existence, by outputting a feeling felt into a material thing, we once again create from the two sources, producing something unique. This is then witnessed by others, and as Doctor Universe for those who have already read it states, we receive messages about ourselves from the experience of witnessing art. It is not as vocal as nature, it does not have as much scope for depth and yet with the human hand of creation, an all new human element is given and that allows us to find things nature on its own just cannot do. Our natural skill for ration and logic allows us to portion natural expressions into things that form patterns and linear stories of feeling, and this is something that perhaps is what nature lacks, for in the principle of nature as a work of art, it more resembles those ancient laws of metaphysics that have been outdated by the precision of dry material science.
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