Choose Love
Carnal, Soulish, and Spiritual Forms of Expression
1 Thessalonians 5:23 May your Soul, and Spirit, and Body remain blameless. The body holds all the doorways to carnal expression, direct emotional projection that satisfies the body in immediate effect gives rise to our animal, or physical self. We rejoice in our ability to be a part of the physical universe and how it feels. These are gifts to us, to be grateful for, and by remembering this, the expression of the body, of our carnal and primary emotions, is a celebration, and therefore positive expression. The soul is what we are within, the sum of our experiences and feelings, mixed up in a holographic version of the universe, and we project this as our soul. Art that is full of soul is that which represents the subconscious expression, the symbology and self stories that define what we do with our lives and what our intentions are. The soul and the flesh in combination can be likened to our will, we can will with the soul against our carnal desires by using physical and mental effort. Perhaps we can't get the person we like to notice us, or we have an addiction, or we are craving something unhealthy to eat. We can say no to ourselves, because we know that what we may want to do is not the right option. Will power is complex, and requires more than just what we know, it requires a continual application of conscious pressure, until we have learned to naturally apply it. What we have already naturally learned and already apply without conscious effort, is the subconscious element of ourselves which makes the soul. The will comprises the inner knowing and the repeated effort in self teaching, in order to change how we act. Expressing this in art requires thought in how to separate the two but allow them to work together. Spirit is the element that we do not bring, it is the extra part which flows in through the trust of what we are doing according to our own intuition and instinct, spirit is independent to the work we do but is totally dependent on the way it manifests, the way it is reviewed and the way that the work culminates in learning for the artist. Expressing the spirit of our art requires the use of the soul, as we find we need to rely on our memory of when it was felt. By reliving our moments in which the connection to more than the self was most apparent, when no matter what the universe was doing outside of you that the stillness and peace of self was in full knowledge of something more, we can then express this too. By trusting in the spirit which guides our art, we have to allow ourselves to go down the roads that the inner intuition says are right. Walk the path of inner peace with your art, express what feels good to express, have faith that this is part of a journey of self, and always keep learning about what you want to achieve. When unifying the entire spectrum of expression, body, soul, and spirit, we can tell the whole human picture that we reflect. The expression of the human picture adds to the enrichment of the world we live in, and adds to the development of our own knowledge of self, which brings us even closer to the core which the creative rivers flow from. Be grateful for all of it, and tell it to the paper. |
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