Choose Love
Ever listened to a radio drama and wondered where all the sound effects come from? Perhaps some one goes around with a recording device and captures them one by one. How ever they're gathered, it's now possible to browse 16,000 of them in one place. The BBC sound effects archive is a new website which allows visitors to download and listen to a huge library of recordings. They're all labelled and contain time information so those serious enough can find exactly what they need.
The archive is made available on the RemArc Licence which means its free to use for personal, educational, or research purposes. This basically means that they don't want them to be used commercially, so we can't sell them or use them to make other things to then sell. RemArc licences are intended for people who find benefits from reminiscing. Reminiscing Archive rules allow people to freely explore recordings without payment. This has been shown particularly valuable for people with mental disorders such as dementia. ​Find the BBC Sound Effects Archive here. |
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