Choose Love
From the 30th of March to the 17th of May visitors to Lagos can be fettered away by an amazing exhibition by a duo of philosophical artists. Comprising of 45 works, the Diffusion Exhibition portrays the human journey through time and space via the lens of consciousness. What are we conscious of, what do we care about? These are the things that dominate our awareness, and our position on the grand social array. What we choose to do with our lives is a reflection of our level of consciousness, and in this case, reflecting the ideas and perspectives gathered so far is being conscious of consciousness itself. Is this the pinnacle of our understanding?
Famous words like I Think Therefore I Am from the philosopher Descartes (pronounced Daycart) maybe don't ring true any more. To truly be someone don't we have to think about how we think? Computers can think to some extent but they're told what to think about by people. It gets very confusing but thinking on its own doesn't really make us a someone any more. Doesn't there have to be an instigation and a reason behind the thought too? We humans have evolved mentally over the past few thousand years. Now we know more about ourselves and the universe we live in, we can be more able to make moral and ethical decisions. Our social thinking which morals and ethics stem from is part of our empathic system, which requires an ability to know how something feels. Naturally those who have not been subject to a thing cannot fully empathise with a person who is subject to it, they can take a guess but it's like throwing darts in the dark. This has given us a reason to communicate and explain, to produce art and give reason to feelings. By exploring how we as humans have moved socially, empathically, and personally through spiritual and material means, the Diffusion exhibition gives light to the distance travelled so far. As we are born in our own times, we each have the opportunity to process the procedures of life for ourselves and make our own choices about how we will adapt them for our own peace of mind. This is how gradual change occurs in life and society. The mixed media work and paintings by Promise Onali and Chibuike Uzoma will stand to clarify one aspect of this multifaceted field of vision. Read more about the exhibition on Vanguard NGR |
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October 2021
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