For concepts and their creating artists to make a path into a particular subculture in society, the symbols and thinking involved need to be talked about. By the passing on of ideas along with emotional relevance, concepts, constructs, and even constitutions can become reinforced by nature of repetitive conversation. To be talked about, an artistic concept has to involve an audience via an emotional connection to its abstract meaning. Once this connection is made, the artistic philosophy given will be called upon to base new ideas and thoughts in general activity. The work has to make an impact and therefore an impression on the audience.
Reviewing of art work is one of the major injections to culture of what the art is and how it is meant to be interpreted. For the untrained eye or ear, the word of experts means a great deal and by listening to expert opinion, individual thoughts are eventually formed. In this way, the media holds an influence on culture by the manner of what they talk about to the general public. This is not to say they have power, as a bad review doesn't necessarily put people off, and vice versa, but the attention of a crowd can be drawn of the presence of something, and a few facts about it can be given. The major magazines hold a huge amount of potential readers, as their copies are distributed on a large scale. By reaching large numbers of people on national levels, the main culture magazines for all the arts have become established household names. Online media has increased the reach further-fold, and now international audiences can be reached without the cost of printing. Truly international media came into being when the world went online, and for most of us, it's an open and free community. The online revolution created a new form of subculture, that spans entire communities on a global scale. Like minded artists and appreciators from all societal alternative trends can interact and share their ideas, passions, and tastes to anyone who happens to be there. The major media outlets were able to publish online versions of their content which can be shared indefinitely, and by utilising social media, the power of the share took off. As live gigs and performances are usually the interaction that creates a passionate connection between the art and the individual, the memory of the experience fuels creativity and decision making. When talked about, the experience of the artistic encounter be it a show, an album, film, or even a t shirt, the animation in the body language and tones of voice will serve to emotionalise the piece. In this communication, the concepts are transferred from one mind to another. Each individual will interpret the work in their own way, and have their own takes on it, however the more social capital a person has within a subcultural scene, the more likely it is their opinions will be repeated. Having work talked about and made desirable by the rewarding and validating network of appreciation is what gives an artist their journey into establishment. Making a connection between the artist and the audience via an artwork means that the artwork has to represent something that the audience feels and thinks prior to the engagement. Once it can do that, and reinforce then fuel the positive element that it represents, then the work will carry itself through the scene via the communication of those within it. |
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